Recently we have discussed Google Analytics in our class, and it is a major component of the Google Online Marketing Challenge. In fact, we have spent a good amount of time on Analytics both in and out of class. Our guest speaker on January 26, Chris Vella from LunaMetrics, discussed Analytics briefly as it relates to Search Engine Optimization. Also Tim James from Pittsburgh's Google office mentioned Analytics and how important they are. Both emphasized that you should learn how to use the Analytics tools to their best capability, as they are a great help when trying to get as many visitors on your site as possible.
As we are moving forward with our GOMC pre-campaign proposal, we have had to pay special attention to Analytics. Right now, we are creating keywords for our AdWords, and trying to find proper metrics and key performance indicators for our client. Engaging the client in this process is important as they are the ultimate benefactors from this campaign and we should consider their goals for this project. Also, they should have some knowledge already of Analytics, and they might be able to guide us to the most useful metrics and sites on Analytics.
I have learned many new skills, but the most important one might be the basic metrics of Analytics, and when to apply each of them. Our textbook does a good job explaining which metrics & key performance indicators might be useful different websites, and as my team's client's website has elements from both social media and affiliate marketing sites, it is great to have guidance as to what we should pay special attention to when doing our campaign.
What baffles me the most about Google Analytics is just the sheer size of it. There are tons of metrics and things you can collect data on, and it is difficult to comprehend everything without being able to actually see it. My team does not have the access to our client's Analytics page, as we have not needed it yet, but we will most likely request it sooner or later. However, I don't fully understand how Analytics manages to collect so much data, but luckily this is a marketing course, and not computer science.
PS. Here are some good pictures of really simple Analytics pages.
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